I’ve got a question for you. Did you enjoy growing up? I mean, the actual process of growing up?
Thank God we can’t remember the exhaustion of learning to walk; pulling ourselves up, falling down, crawling, getting back up, taking a step, falling… (I never crawled. I rolled my way around the house!)
Remember the frustration of learning to tie shoes and to button that stiff, heavy winter coat? (According to my kindergarten report card, I didn’t excel in either category!)
What about standing tip-toe attempting to peer outside, because window sills were too high? That was an aggravation.
Oh yeah … learning to ride a bike. Weren’t those scraped knees and elbows fun!? Don’t mention the trauma of slipping and coming down (hard) on the frame instead of on the seat….
Then there was the insufferable agony of being twelve and knowing that years remained before being able to claim your rightful position at the steering wheel of the family car.
Much of the actual process of growing up isn’t fun.
But let’s consider another perspective. If you are a parent, you have patiently helped your child learn to dress himself. You’ve smiled at your daughter’s complaint that she isn’t tall enough yet, complimenting her on how tall she’s already grown.
You’ve soothed scrapes, bruises, and tears; knowing that your child’s injuries mark a willingness to try.
And, you’re ecstatic that your child is only twelve and still years away from taking the wheel!
While you have compassion when you see your child struggle, you can also rejoice. You know that his or her struggle is evidence of continued growth towards maturity.
Proof that your child is fully alive!
Are you frustrated today – with you?
Are you
- fretting over a lack of faith?
- wondering why you can’t simply STOP the bouts of anxiety and fear?
- mad because THAT temptation still appeals?
- pressuring yourself to figure out this “life-thing”, NOW!
Do you assume that God is just as frustrated with your battles, and with you, as you are?
What if God REJOICES as he looks at you in the very struggles and battles that frustrate you? Not because he’s happy that you feel frustration and impatience. And definitely not because he doesn’t care when his children make wrong choices.
But because he sees evidence of something very good as you battle in your faith, as you fight against anxiety and fear, as you dare to stand in the face of temptation. Evidence that you are growing to be the man or woman he has created you to be.
Evidence that you are truly ALIVE!
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
I love it when you put things into perspective for us. I was just sitting here working with Emma on a new math concept. She was frustrated, but I was seeing her progress… just like God does with us. 🙂
Yes! Exactly. And I relate to Emma’s frustration over a math concept! Maybe spiritually God is presenting ME with new “math concepts”!!!
Just what I needed to hear today, Mark. Thanks!
Mandy, thanks for letting me know. That encourages me! 🙂