A phrase of scripture came to mind, “He knows the way that I take.”
I found those words in the book of Job.
But if I go the east, he is not there;
if I go to the west, I do not find him.
When he is at work in the north, I do not see him;
when he turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of him.
But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. (Job 23: 9-10)
Years ago I had written these thoughts alongside the verses;
Verse 10 is a powerful statement of faith. Verses 1-9 records Job’s admitting that he doesn’t know where God is or what God is doing. But he knows that God knows where he (Job) is. What comfort!
Often in our challenges we find it difficult or impossible to see where or how God is working. We feel scared, lonely, overwhelmed, in that place. When Job found himself in that position, he chose words of tremendous hope.
…he is not there….I do not find him…. I do not see him…. I catch no glimpse of him. But he knows the way that I take….I will come forth as gold. (My emphasis.)
Yes, we have times of questioning God’s presence. But we can accept that God is still right with us. The evidence of His presence? He has promised to bring us through “the way” of our challenges to be a treasure like gold.
The treasure of Job’s story is that we still find encouragement in his words thousands of years later.
I wonder what treasure God is bringing from “the way” of our lives, those times when we think we can’t find Him?
this verse – “he knows the way that I take and i will come forth as gold,” is the verse God gave me in my immanuel journaling this morning. didn’t yet look it up, and now saw this and i have the reference. thank you!
Just one question Crystal, did you double check to make sure I had the reference right??!! 🙂
I had to look it up as well, and was actually surprised when I found that Job was the one who spoke it.