Each season brings storms. Storms can cause damage and even destruction; but they also bring benefits. Rain waters the ground. Winds bring down diseased branches and dead trees, making room for new growth. Snow has been referred to as the “poor man’s fertilizer” because of the nitrogen it provides for the ground.
Storms are also a part of each season of our lives. These storms, accompanied by winds of anxiety, chills of fear, and slippery slopes of doubt and anger, can cause exhaustion and numbness. But these storms also prepare us for continued growth.
I experienced this recently during a Celebrate Recovery meeting. The teacher challenged us to be honest with God about areas where we were doubting Him. To remind us of God’s faithfulness, he referred to Philippians 1:6.
Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
I’ve claimed this scripture as a life verse for decades. (In fact, I’d grown pretty confident about my ability to hold on to this verse!) But this Celebrate Recovery meeting came on the heels of a storm. I was overwhelmed. Questioning my faith and questioning God’s care for my future, I wrote these words on my lesson sheet,
“Father, I’m not sure I still believe the promise of Philippians 1:6 for my life.”
I didn’t write the words flippantly. I felt the pain of doubt as I questioned what I’d held onto for more than thirty years. “Father, I’m not sure I still believe…” At least, that’s what I had intended to write. That’s what I thought I had written…
But when I glanced back at my paper, this is what I read instead,
“Father, I’m sure I still believe the promise of Philippians 1: 6 for my life.” I’d left out the “not”!!!
God took what I feared was a statement of doubt, and transformed it into a proclamation of confidence.
When I read what I’d actually written, I turned my head towards the wall and quietly bawled with relief. God was reminding me that He remains faithful and true to His promises. Even when my faith slips, God continues to hold me with His truth. In my weakness, He fights for me.
Since that evening’s meeting I’ve experienced more storms. At times I feel exhausted. But I’m recognizing new growth; the assurance that my hope is in God’s faithfulness. Not in my ability to be faithful.
If we are faithless, he (Christ Jesus) remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself. (2 Timothy 2: 13)
Tell me how you handle your storms. Have you ever found yourself hoping in your ability to hold on to God’s promises, more than you’ve hoped in God? How have you let go of trusting in your ability and instead trusted in God’s faithfulness?
Read Part 1 here.
Read Part 3 here.
Thank you for sharing that. Encouragement shared at a time when it is really needed. Thank you for reminding me that HE is still on the throne no matter our circumstances on this earth.
Bonnie – praise God. And yes He is! We ALL need to remind ourselves of this truth frequently.
I’m trying to figure out how to ride out a storm of my own right now, and not at all by chance, a friend texted me Philippians 1:6 yesterday. Then this post of yours landed in my inbox overnight last night to greet me this morning. At the moment I’m realizing I need to turn off the voices of many of the people around me so that God’s voice is the one I’m hearing most clearly. Your blog posts definitely speak God’s words to me, so thank you!
Amy, God speaks frequently through Philippians 1:6 doesn’t He!
I hope and pray that as you ride this storm, you will find a deeper confidence in God’s voice and guidance than you imagined possible.
And… I feel the nudge to add this… as you go through the storm, don’t forget Eph 2:10 – you ARE God’s workmanship, His masterpiece.