2 PM. Have I accomplished “enough” to label the hours not wasted?
- I’ve employed principles learned on my spiritual healing journey to confront my monsters of memory appropriately.
- I’ve been productive with writing and reading.
- I’ve done some cleaning and fixed the obligatory noon meal.
A profitable day. Evidence of worth. Right?
But now it’s only 2 PM. Hours remain before the whole of the day can be weighed. Judged to determine the value of my performance…
I’m trapped. Lost. Pressured by some vague demand to “do” in order to prove to others (well, actually to myself) more of my value.
It’s raining. The overcast skies direct my vision to what the sunshine would have obscured with light.
Often unwanted. Considered worthless. Frequently dug out and cast aside.
But today’s shadows are giving them permission to glow. Raindrops causing them to glisten with brightness and warmth. Proclaiming with the rest of creation, “A new season is here!”
I grab my camera. I kneel in the rain; clothing getting wet. No matter. I’m on a quest to record beauty.
Minutes ago I was worrying about how to prove my worth and value. Now I’m captivated by the beauty of an unappreciated weed. Beauty I would have missed, where it not for the day’s shadows.
The shower passes. The skies lighten. Raindrops dry. Vibrant hues dull. Momentary glory has passed.
Nonetheless I am left with delight. Passion. Laughter. Unexpectedly caught up in child-like innocence. Freed from the dictates to prove self-worth.
Released to live as God created me, us, to live. For a few moments, anyway.
Because of a few dandelions.
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, … See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these…. (Matthew 6: 25-29)
Such a fun thing. Glad you got to enjoy this and that you shared it.