Some weeks ago a buddy and I spent a couple hours hiking the wooded trails in Wheeling’s Oglebay Park.
Days earlier those hills and valleys were encased in winter’s snow and ice. Now the sun’s warmth was releasing the land from frozen captivity.
Trees and bushes were not yet showing signs of buds or leaves. Water dripped from outcroppings of rock on the hillsides to make paths muddy and even treacherous. (Sorry Jason, I should have cleaned the hiking boots you lent me!) The creek in the valley rushed forward to roar wildly over the waterfall’s ledge.
Beauty Sensed
The deepest beauty of the afternoon came from what we sensed rather than from what we saw. The sun’s warming rays were promising that winter’s desolation was defeated and nearly dead. A new season was poised to spring to life.
Following that day we experienced more snow, ice, and disappointingly bitter cold. But the new season of spring has continued to advance.
It will not be stopped.
Rivers Flow
The Creator’s plans, found in Isaiah 41, remind me of what I observed on that walk.
I will make rivers flow on barren heights,
and springs within the valleys.
I will turn the desert into pools of water,
and the parched ground into springs.
I will put in the desert
the cedar and the acacia, the myrtle and the olive.
I will set junipers in the wasteland,
the fir and the cypress together,
so that people may see and know,
may consider and understand,
that the hand of the Lord has done this,
that the Holy One of Israel has created it. (Isaiah 41: 18-20)
Seasons Change
We all know the chill of a personal winter season when the heart seems barren of growth and our spiritual lives stagnant. Desires are frozen and longings appear lifeless. Faith and trust imprisoned by the chill of doubt and fear.
But it is a season. And seasons are created to change. They are not permitted to linger endlessly. Allowed to shine, Truth’s light will melt the cold of the heart. A trickle of hope stirs desires and longings feared dead. That tiny stream begins to fill stagnant pools with deep faith, and springs with fresh trust. They overflow and create rushing rivers that cleanse the heart of doubt.
A new season planned by the Holy Creator begins to flourish.
This writing feels incomplete. Perhaps because I question whether these few words will encourage you in the season where you find yourself living.
How awesome if all of us had hearts thriving in the warmth, growth, and abundance of a spring season. But no doubt some are feeling winter’s chill. Longing for the comforting warmth of hope.
Or you may be the one living with the disappointment of believing spring had arrived, only to have your anticipation dashed by winter’s frustrating (but temporary) return.
Regardless, remember this;
the Creator knows how to bring a new season to the barren places.
And He will.
To read “More of ‘a New Season for the Barren Places'”, go here.
This is especially encouraging to remember at those times when “winter” temporarily creeps back in. Knowing that God is able and ready to change the seasons for us helps us make it through those cold spells.
Yes. Thanks Jennifer. 🙂