I was less than half awake as I trudged out to my kitchen. So I chalked the dark blur up to a combination of sleepiness, imagination, and a need for caffeine. But a few minutes later that figment of my imagination darted across the floor from under a cabinet.
I hate mice. They rate about as well as bats with me.
Just a couple days prior I had been displeased to see a snake sticking its head out through a crack in the foundation of my porch. It was only a black snake. We don’t kill black snakes here on the farm; supposedly they are good for rodent control. But still, under the porch??? (Snakes also fit in the bat category for me.)
The cumulative effect of the snake under my porch and the mouse in my kitchen? I was briefly enticed to plant a for-sale sign in the front yard! (Yeah, I can over-react, just a bit.)
My momentary reaction to the snake and mouse reminds me of how I react in other areas of life.
I have attitudes and habits that stick their heads out through the cracks of my consciousness and scurry across the floor of my thoughts: unforgiveness, pride, anxiety, loneliness, addiction …. The list goes on.
I’m tempted to believe it would be easier to move away from, rather than deal with, those attitudes and habits. Selling out to junk food, a book, a movie, computer time, or any other number of escapist activities and thinking, seems far simpler than facing the reality that unattractive and destructive critters are darting and slithering around in my life!
God’s plan is so different.
God’s principle is that whatever He reveals for us to see, He strengthens us to face.
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. (Phil 4:13 NIV)
It may be humorous to say that God gives the strength to bait a mouse trap or to face a snake, rather than sell the house.
It’s not as humorous to admit that God gives the strength to forgive what has seemed unforgivable for years. (Rather than turning once again to addiction.) It’s no laughing matter to rely on His goodness to respond humbly when pride asserts itself. (Rather than hiding behind the arrogance of “I’ve got this under control”.)
It’s an act of unrestrained faith in His strength to turn to Him in times of anxiety and aloneness. (Rather than burying a longing heart under busy activity.)
It is only in God’s strength that we can bring all that scurries around in our minds to Him, and submit to His care. It is His strength and grace that frees us from the infestation of unwelcomed attitudes, anxieties, and worse.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (I Peter 5: 6-7)
Today, when we see what we’d rather not have to face, let’s remember we don’t need to put out the “For Sale” sign!
Holley Gerth’s insight on Philippians 4:13, in Day 28 of her devotional book Opening the Door to Your God-Sized Dream (40 Days of Encouragement for Your Heart), helped me collect my thoughts for this post.
Phil. 4:13 is one of my favorite verses. Thanks for the reminder to not go it alone.
It seems like this verse is always timely, isn’t it!