Last summer I was preparing dinner one evening when I heard a radio announcement, “Today is ‘National Gummy Worm’ day!” (Yes, seriously there is a National Gummy Worm Day! If you missed this important holiday, then start making plans for next ... Continue reading
And Sometimes God uses a Gun
We believe a lot of lies about ourselves. The loudest lies are those uttered by the silent voice of the enemy, echoing from the pit of hell. From the time I was a child, I heard the lie “you’ll never be a real man.” I’d never shot a gun (other ... Continue reading
The Pen is Mightier than the Sword, but Today the Jackhammer Wins.
I've spent the day helping a buddy do demolition work at one of his properties. This has been the first time I've ever had the “privilege” of operating a jackhammer, and my body is reminding me that I've spent several hours outside of my comfort ... Continue reading
“I see you”
I've rewritten this post several times. Version one started out neat, clean, safe, in other words, artificial. I scraped it. I don’t like Father’s Day. When I was a child, Father’s Day drove home the point that my dad and I had very ... Continue reading
A Dad and Son story
This is not a "feel good" father - son story. But it is an honest story. It is my story, and it has a good ending! I had a poor relationship with my dad. While I lived at home, we had very little to do with each other. While still a very young ... Continue reading
I’m Very Unhappy!
“I’m very unhappy!” She was in her 80’s. Had worked hard her whole life; independent, self-sufficient, strong-willed. And now angry. Angry that she was running out of years. Angry that she could no longer do things on her own, or have control over ... Continue reading