With alarming frequency I'm finding that I start to write; not knowing for sure where I'm going! So, if you are brave enough for another journey with me, read on! I've been thinking about touch. Which is not unusual - I think about touch a ... Continue reading
My confidence, in the middle of an un-confident week!!!
(Photo Credit) I'm feeling frustrated this week. Life seems... "heavy". A friend shared these verses: I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait ... Continue reading
Recipe: Quince – Apple Crisp, (a lesson in creativity)
Got a surprise for you today: a recipe! I enjoy baking and decided to do something with the quince from the tree in the back yard. Quince must be pretty rare. My brother has read that there are only 100 acres of commercially grown quince trees ... Continue reading
What do we do with all these pieces?
Am feeling disconnected in this changing season. There are a lot of random pieces. I’m not sure how, even if, they fit. A friend’s unexpected question triggers an unexpected answer. (Do I dare trust that answer?) An opportunity seems so ... Continue reading
How do I respond to Winds of Change?
The winds of change are in the air. Nights are cooler, leaves are drying, and garden produce is on the wane. Summer is giving way to fall. As I write today, I know that the season of my life is also changing. The season ahead is unclear; I feel ... Continue reading
Am I really THAT Guy???
I frequently feel lonely in crowds. Even at church. Self-esteem issues, I suppose. (We all have them!) On a recent cool and damp Sunday I was tempted to stay in bed with a book, a cup of coffee, and one of the neighbor’s home-baked cinnamon rolls, ... Continue reading