I blew it. I made a wrong choice. I violated my commitment to my recovery journey. Of course I confessed my sin to God and received His forgiveness. But part of my repentance and restoration required my willingness to confess to my accountability ... Continue reading
When God’s heartbeat stopped my trauma disc.
Our praise team was practicing the worship song “The More I Seek You”, and I was becoming emotional. Although some might consider these lyrics a bit too graphic and personal to sing to God, (laying close enough to feel someone’s heartbeat – that’s ... Continue reading
Thoughts regarding October; as the season changes.
October is Nature's transitional journey from a season of constant activity to that of stillness and quiet. Let's enjoy these final days of October's journey. October’s Blooms are the silvery hairs and laugh lines awarded to this month of ... Continue reading
What will I do, when life’s a roller coaster???
I've been on a roller- coaster. No, not at the local amusement park. (That’s a joke appreciated only by those who know the area where I live!) Rather, I’ve found myself on an emotional roller coaster. (Photo Credit) I’ve been praying about my ... Continue reading
365 Days in a Year; so Why Today???
Have you ever had one of those "Why today of all days" kind of day? If so, read on, because I had one of those days recently. I was divinely set up. It had not occurred to me that it was the anniversary of my dad's death, until I was driving to ... Continue reading
My Heart’s Desire; Fulfilled in Someone Else’s Life
A chance conversation, a phone call, an email; a friend is sharing happily about a wonderful blessing that they have just experienced. And you are smiling, nodding, offering congratulations and support, while inside feeling torn apart. Again. Because ... Continue reading