Regarding memories (the painful ones) I’m continuing to ask “why?” Why think about, talk about, or even pray about, past events which just seem to stir up more pain and grief? Simple answer: if the pain remains fresh, then there's more ... Continue reading
The Archaeologist: Why I Dig into the Past
(Bats, Battles, & Declarations, Part 2) When working through traumatic or painful memories, you may be like me and sometimes ask, "Is this worth all the effort and pain, or am I just wasting my time?" A good friend recently sent me ... Continue reading
Bats, Battles & Declarations
I’m sitting at Starbucks and I’m mad. Not at Starbucks; Starbucks is medicating me with caffeine, sugar and chocolate at the moment! (Photo Credit) At 5:30 this morning I was lying awake, staring at the shadowy ceiling, when I saw a bat ... Continue reading
Old Memories, New Life
I’m frequently haunted by memories of dysfunction and abuse from my childhood. Particularly disturbing are memories that feel like emerging details. I've typically responded with depression, anger, and isolation. If uncontrolled, my emotions ... Continue reading
When Lies Let Go
Rivers can freeze over during winter. With the approach of spring, the thick ice begins to melt. Chucks break off and try to float away, colliding with other chucks of ice. Jams can create icy dams, causing damage to surrounding land and ... Continue reading